A Safe Haven for Wildlife: where nature and nurture converge

“Preserving Africa’s Big 4 Wildlife for Future Generations.”.

Welcome to Chalongo Conservancy: Preserving Africa's Wildlife for Future Generations

At Chalongo Conservancy, we are dedicated to safeguarding some of the world’s most iconic and endangered species. Our focus lies on protecting lions, the African wild dog, rhinos, leopards, and pangolins, whose populations face unprecedented threats. Through our comprehensive approach, we provide vital rescue and rehabilitation services for these majestic creatures.

Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation

Protect wildlife (rescue and rehabilitate orphaned , and injured wild animals)

Wildlife Conservation & Preservation

Provide a safe and secure sanctuary for endangered species

Educational Programs

Out-reach programmes to the community, on wildlife conservation and environment conservation


 Strengthen advocacy, fundraising, and education, fostering a collective commitment to safeguarding our ecosystems


 Eco-adventures and cultural experiences that protect biodiversity and support local economies.


Tree nurseries, offers seedlings to the community free of charge to mitigate effects of climate change/

Our Wildlife is Endangered

Save the Critically Endangered Pangolin
  • Loss of habit and poaching has significantly contributed t rapid decline of lions, leopards, rhino, and pangolin populations.
  • Urgency: Time is running out to protect these majestic species from extinction for sposterity.


Join the Call to Protect: Support Endangered Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation.

The call of the wild is louder than ever, echoing the desperate plea for help from our majestic friends—lions, rhinos, leopards, and pangolins—whose lives hang in the balance. As devoted guardians of nature, we must unite to ensure the survival of these endangered orphaned wildlife animals.